Packs per Box: 15
Cards per Pack: 10
Cards in the Collection: 93
Promo/Box Cards in the Collection: 7
Insert Card in the Collection: 9
Special Card: 2 | SP1-SP2 | (1/1 Box)
Cover Card: 7 | B1-B7 | (1 A or B or C /1pack)
Character Card: 5 | A1-A5 | (1 A or B or C /1pack)
Illustr Card: 7 | C1-C7 | (1 A or B or C /1pack)
Normal Card: 36 | E1-E36
Variant Card: 36 | D1-D36 | (1/1 Pack)
Box Card: 2 | A6-A7 | (1/1 Box)
Promo Card: 5 | B8 (Binder Card) |
B9-B10 (Fanbook Card) |
E37 (Poster Box Card) |
Promotion Card